By: Emma Sikes

It’s been three weeks since our last election, I’ve mulled over the data and attempted to make sense of (and add my usual nonsensical flair) to the results! As Aristotle used to say while he was “bathing” with 30 of his closest buddies ``Liberty and equality…will be best attained when all persons alike share in the government to the utmost”. #showeringwithurpals #thegreeks There are many ways us persons alike can “share in the government”, one way is obvious, voting, so right now, get a jump on next November, and make sure you’re registered, or if you’ll be in your college town start the process of getting an absentee ballot. Another smaller yet still utmost way to share in the gov' is to stay informed, dominate the dinner table by flexing your facts, doling out your nuanced takes whilst grubbing on your TV trays. The democratic process no doubt has its flaws but unless you're an active participant you can’t critique it, ok? You can’t shit on the bundt cake unless you were the one who did the budnting (new fangled old southern saying, it’ll catch on!) So, here’s to sharing alike, people! Let’s catch you up on what you missed, all things gubernatorial, ganja, and getting our rights back!
Key races in several states across the country had abortion and marijuana legalization on the ballot, as well as turning some historically red states blue. #hallelou! There were three gubernatorial races in 2023, Kentucky, Mississippi, and Louisiana. We (Dems) went 1 for 3. That statement assumes two things, that if you’re reading this you’re a certified lib (tend to vote democrat) and that you vaguely understand sports lingo. #myexactniche
In a unique and quite rare turn of events I have chosen to dwell on the positives in this specific turn of events; the big Dem win in Kentucky! Kentucky elected its 63rd Governor, Andy Beshear, a seemingly good guy, here’s some highlights. He knows what it takes to lead, he’s held the office of Attorney General from 2016-2019. He made good use of the time that he had, he protected seniors from scams, created the Kentucky Opioid Disposal Program to remove unused opioids from Kentuckians’ medicine cabinets, and secured millions of dollars in funding to get kits tested, seeking justice for victims of sexual assault, making Kentucky one of only a few states to have now tested every backlogged kit. Are you now zillowing houses in Kentucky? They’ve got Derby’s, damn good fried chicken, baseball bats, and now, Andy.
Onto to ganja! Ohio joined 23 other states where the possession and personal use of marijuana is legal, welcome to the cool club, Ohio! Oh boy have we been waiting for you, our rotation was nightmarish pre-you, Michigan and Virginia’s arms were getting tired of having to reach all the way around you, the joint was burning up both their hands. That’s my attempt at a geography joke, for that one you have to know which states border Ohio, and imagine all 23 states sitting around in rotting folding chairs, in somebody's garage passing a joint around. Pretty killer visual honestly, but in my verison the uncool, loser states where being chill asf isn’t yet legal don’t connect (Colorado to Missouri) one person stands at the edge of the legal state and chucks the still lit blunt across the entire state of Kansas and the next legal state catches and takes the appropriate puff, puff then passes it to Illinois.
Moving right along to the third G in the alliteration, Getting our rights back (a stretch I know). Another win for Ohio, it became the latest state to protect reproductive rights in its state constitution. Other states in which a woman's right to choose is enshrined into the state constitution are California, Vermont and Michigan. This decision highlights the blatant disconnect between Ohio voters and their republican leadership, it is the first and only state under full Republican legislative control to vote this way. Ohio voters’ decision to protect the right to abortion in the state constitution overrides a six-week ban that was briefly in effect following the overturn of Roe v. Wade and has since been blocked by an injunction. Abortion is currently legal through 22 weeks in Ohio. Huzzah Ohio, power to the people! #IdontknowaboutyoubutImfeeling22 #littlevictories
And a notable, and super honorable mention, 35 year old Gabe Amo became the first black person to represent Rhode Island in the United States Congress, he told constituents that once in office he plans on focussing on issues including gun violence, abortion rights and climate change. #mybigthree Another triumph came in the form of Cherelle Parker, the cities first woman of color to lead Philadelphia as its mayor.
I hope dear reader, this article leaves you feeling a little less hopeless, and a bit more informed than you were before. Remember misinformation is running rampant, so thoroughly research and read through graphics you may repost, and know that keeping your circle informed through social media is no small feat. The funds you raise through Tik Tok filters, the content creators you boost, and your calls to action are heard. With the current state of the world it is imperative to understand and amplify voices other than our own who may know more or be currently experiencing tragedies like the ongoing genocide of the Palestanian people or the Congolese people. Stay vigilant, get registered, and keep your head up.