By: Emma Sikes

This week I had the honor and pleasure to interview SCAD senior Fashion Marketing and Management student, Morgan Webb. She runs a fabulous Instagram account that showcases new fashion trends, shows, and in-depth, thoroughly researched, biographies on some of her favs. @bymorgwebb Is a fashion account that surely leaves its mark, a trailblazer in the industry that is fashion influencing. Morgan’s passion oozes out of every grid post, her extensive knowledge baffles and amuses, you will quickly learn why she is known as the “number one fashion source in the entire world”. I hereby present to you, Morgan Webb.
Emma Sikes: Who are you?
Morgan Webb: My name is Morgan Webb, I’m a fashion lover, sister-friend, therapist and architect, the occasional construction worker, occasional bouncer at Rocko.
Emma Sikes: Why/How/When did you start @bymorgweb the #1 fashion source in the entire world ?
Morgan Webb: I started @bymorgweb, the number one fashion source in the entire world I think a little over a year ago when I saw that people around me needed help. They needed real help and I knew I could be the solution. Also all of my fashion info lives up in my head so I needed somewhere to get it out, so I started an Instagram.
Emma Sikes: Stunning. Would you consider yourself a fashionista? Why or why not ?
Morgan Webb: I would say of course, I guess we all have different definitions of a fashionista but I think I’m the number one…in the world.
Emma Sikes: Would you go as far as to say you are the number one fashionista in the universe?
Morgan Webb: To each their own, but I am definitely at the top of the pyramid. Not to sound…you know but like also TO sound, you know?
Morgan Webb then gets a call from a colleague quite frankly begging her for fashion advice, she kindly takes the call and rights the accessory wrong and we continue the interview. (She says she receives frantic calls like this often and is happy to lend a helping hand whenever she can).
Emma Sikes: How bad is fast fashion for the planet and or our overall look? (Are the clothes cute enough to destroy our planet over?!)
MW: Um gasp?! Fast Fashion. Ok to be real fast fashion is obviously bad for the planet, not just environmentally but it's also very heavily linked to human trafficking. I feel like not enough people know that. Ok and “are the clothes cute?” Um no. Shein is just not cute, there are better fast fashion websites, like if you are gonna shop fast fashion, no judgment, I get it, it’s cheaper, but I think Shein… just no, don’t.
ES: No?
MW: No. Honestly I feel like the issue is that people like instant gratification so when a trend pops up people are like “I’m just gonna quickly get it at Shein because it’s so cheap”… but I think in general we should consume less, whether that be clothes or social media or honestly like fiber I think everybody is just too regular these days.
ES: Totally, pooping is a privilege not a right. If a trend is up and gone so quickly maybe it wasn’t such a good trend afterall.
MW: Exactly, especially because the quality is so bad too, it’s just not gonna last, so there’s no point.
ES: It’s not gonna be a staple in your Cloze (closet).
MW: Not gonna stay in your C, at all.
ES: Name 3 celebrities who you think have great fashion sense.
MW: Ok basic answer but I love Hailey Bieber, just because I feel like she aligns with my personal style. ASAP Rocky is another one of my favorites- just all around the board. For stylist, Anne Hathaway’s stylist, Erin Walsh. Oh! And Law Roche! Those are the classics.
ES: 3 celebs that SHOULD (have great fashion sense) but don’t.
MW: Taylor Swift, she could be doing a lot better than she is, she could be stepping out, her outfits on tour weren’t that bad but they could’ve been better. Oh Emrata, not a big fan of what she wears, don’t mean to be contro (controversial).
ES: Do you have any games on your phone?
MW: I do, I have so many. Crossy Road, Papa’s Cheeseria, Project Makeover, and New York Times games.
ES: Quite a respectable array of games you possess. How do you (illustrious fashion guru Morgan Webb) feel about baby clothes and shoes? Is it dumb to fit up ur baby when they will grow out of their Gucci suits in a matter of days?
MW: Yeah that’s kind of weird, but I feel like if you have the disposable income to do that then ok, sure. But I hate when people make instagram accounts for their babies, like I’m not gonna f4f, baby.
ES: How do you feel about the big bows that people put on babies right after they are born? Do you think that’s fashion?
MW: Oh, no. And I’m also not into like piercing baby ears.
ES: Noted. Where’s the best place to thrift in Savannah?
MW: My favorite is Vintage Vortex, it’s across from Starland Yard, and Wright Square Antiques is also THE best.
ES: What’s your favorite piece in your closet right now ?
MW: I love this bag, I call it my man-beater bag, because it’s big enough for me to beat a man with it, ya know if I needed to. I thrifted it. I have these two vintage leather jackets… If I was a Minecraft character and I died and all of my inventory fell out, it would include my leather jacket and probably my hysteric glamour top. And my eleven dollar black boots that I thrifted.
ES: How much do you love fashion? Tell me when?
Note that after posing the question Field Reporter Emma Sikes started to slowly move her hands further and further apart. Interviewee Morgan Webb stopped Sikes when she was spread as wide as her wingspan would take her.
ES: Do you love getting the text “What are you wearing?” Does it ruin the reveal?
MW: No, I love getting that text, I feel like it’s classic girl-going-out behavior. It’s just what you do.
ES: It’s girl!
MW: It's girl.
It was my absolute pleasure to pick and gnaw at Morgan Webb’s brain on a topic she is violently passionate about. She is a true delight, one of the few fashion forward, blonde-haired, hotties with a heart of gold left. For more of Morgan be sure to follow her on her strictly fashion, strictly awesome account @bymorgwebb.