By: Sophie Centazzo

Hello, loyal readers of BOOBEES Mag. Co-editor Sophie, here. It’s currently Tuesday, March 14th and I’m sitting in Java Burrito, gleefully shoving a steak bowl down my throat and contemplating spending an extra $6 for a coffee. The main reason I came here today, other than the food, was to write my article for this Friday, but sadly, I have no ideas. Literally zero. ZILCH! As I sit here, writing down my current stream of thoughts, I came to the realization that being creative is really hard. Creative director, co-editor, and mommy Emma and I are expected to come out with silly, cute articles each week, but for some reason, the funny bone in my brain is broken today. You would think because it’s finals week that I would have at least one thing to dramatically complain about, but I’m actually having an OK few days. I’m finished with all my final presentations as of today and I go back home to Chi-town (adjacent) on Thursday. I have two dogs, Stella and Ollie, waiting for me when I get back and I can’t wait to kick their little faces in with love and appreciation. But, back to what I was saying, I’m having a really hard time thinking of a funny idea for this week. I’ve looked through the news and what’s going on in my life currently, but alas, NOTHING INTERESTING! And I can’t under deliver to our readers. That’s like if you go to Tacos + Tequila and you order a taco and a marg and they only bring the marg. How rude! OH WAIT, THAT HAPPENED TO ME THIS WEEKEND! Literally so upsetting when you’re expecting to sink your teeth into a juicy al pastor taco and they forget to bring it to you #notearslefttocry. Another fun anecdote from this weekend was that I successfully fit ten people into my Subaru and drove from downtown to 39th St.. I was literally sweating balls the entire time in fear that I would get pulled over, but God was looking after his favorite virgin that night and we made it without a hitch. SORRY! Back to the main point. I get off track very easily and I’m not gonna use ADHD as an excuse, but I’m gonna use ADHD as an excuse. Since I go to an art school, I should have creativity running through me at all times. I should be able to think of an article for every day of the week, but not this week. Today, the only things on my mind are what dinners I want my mom to make me over break, the girl I like, and that one video of Jamie Lee Curtis flying on the Oscars stage. Do any of those ideas sound entertaining enough for an article? Leave a comment down below! Any who, when I become a copywriter in two years, I’ll have to come up with 100 headlines a day! That’s 100 creative, funny, eye-catching sentences EVERY. FUCKING. DAY! So, if I can’t come up with a measly comedy article each week, how am I gonna do that in the real world?? Oh god, I’m getting ahead of myself. My therapist says I have a hard time living in the moment and he’s not wrong. He also says my OCD is getting out of hand, but what does he know?? Yeah, if my house isn’t clean, it feels like I’m gonna rip out of my skin and I have to only think about things either 48 hours in the past or in the future, but doesn’t everyone feel like this? Sorry, I went on a little tangent there, but to wrap it all up, I’m just out of ideas :(. Contributors are always welcome at BOOBEES Mag and we know you guys can be just as hilarious, if not more than us! This way, I can take a week off and not have to write a crazy article like this when my brain is burnt out. Thanks for the chat, girlies!