By: Katherine Holmes

Astrology. We’ve all heard of it. There was definitely that one girl in your high school that smoked weed before all of us and brought her tarot cards to school. That’s where I learned about it anyway. Apparently it started before that though. It dates all the way back to the silk road (maybe earlier if you believe in the Big Bang). Back then, people looked up at the stars and said “that’s gotta mean something!” I’ve done that before! All throughout Eurasia, really smart people were teaching and learning about the stars and planets and their effect on the human psyche. Through this study, early civilizations accidentally discovered lots of geometry and other practices we still use today. Who knew?! Eventually, society decided that things like “astrology” and “alchemy” weren’t even real. But if that’s true, then riddle me this: how does Co-Star know I’m experiencing fomo because of my Leo Moon? It has to be real. It’s real to me.
Now I know what you’re thinking at this point. “Another basic bitch with an astrology app. SNORE!” And if you are thinking that, rest assured, a former version of me agrees with you. That’s right. I used to shit on astrology too. What could a star tell me that I don’t already know? Sure I enjoyed the occasional Instagram post that told me which Starbucks drink I am based on my star sign, but I didn’t really believe it. Or did I? I thought it was all bologna, it was all generalized topics that are relatable to anyone. But then it happened. One of my close friends told me to download Co-Star and I haven’t been the same since. It started out as a funny way to connect with friends, but here I am, judging every relationship I have based on our astrological compatibility. The phrases that tell me about my day such as, “Too much attention can overwhelm a person” and, “Your heart is not a pinata!” It’s like they know me! Okay maybe that’s not convincing, but get this. Earlier this year, a few planets were in retrograde and my Leo moon and Scorpio rising were affected so heavily that TWO ex partners reached out AND a date was scheduled with a third party (after those retrogrades ended, I realized I did not want any of this. I did not go on that date). COINCIDENCE?? I think not. Clearly, the stars that week had it out for me, and so now I listen.
Being a Gemini sun, I do pay attention to the signs compatibility around me. My besties are Aquarius and Aries. I would never date a Virgo. I am dating a Sagittarius, however if he was born a month later as a Capricorn? Things would be different. How did I learn his birth chart? Sure I could’ve just asked for his birthday, but I did one better. I requested he download Co-Star so I can see our complete compatibility. AND HE DID. A little piece of advice for anyone looking to enter a relationship, see how connected you are through the stars and never leave your lives up to fate. Don’t ask a man if he’s having a good or bad day, check his horoscope to see how he’s feeling and act accordingly (advice is not just for men, but let’s be honest, women are way better at sharing their feelings unprompted anyway). In true Gemini fashion, I calculated the life around me, and I wouldn't have it any other way. So judge me if you must. Maybe you’re just a Virgo who's mad because I wouldn’t date you. It’s not you, it’s me. Or maybe it’s just us. I think it’s written in the stars that we don’t belong together.
Anyways, if you DO believe in astrology, or if this article convinced you, add me on Co-Star: @katherinegh