By: Emma Sikes

As a bar frequenter, (in a healthy/responsible way) I have a pretty good idea of all the notable Savannah bars. As if you needed proof, I know you’d trust me with your LIFE, but for those who have trust issues, I have successfully suggested and improved multiple trips to Savannah. That includes VERY lost tourists wandering around Forsyth, a bachelorette party wearing penis tails, and even some shady-looking (definitely actively embezzling) businessmen who later promised to bankroll my entire life (I HEAVILY regret turning them down). SO, I think it’s only right that I declare the official list, pairing each SCAD major to their prospective bar. I will of course be skipping the unimportant ones, like architecture; they do NOT have time to “hang out” at bars. They are fucking busy being better than everyone else and like drawing in blue (I literally don’t know what they do, I’ve never talked to one for more than 20 secs (I get bored)).
First, we’ll start with the honorable mentions. They aren’t SCAD majors, but they DO occupy these bars. Rogue Tap House is filled with army men trying to wife an art school girlies, until they realize we drink expensive drinks, pick weird obscure karaoke songs, and live “only an 1 hour walk” from the bar. Barrel House is for Georgia Southern boys who decide to finally “go out” and are ALWAYS having the best night of their entire lives. Starting with the obvious ones, Film and Television majors get Moodrights. It's dimly lit, has a sort of honky vibe, and is just loud enough to hear them talk about their thesis (the story isn’t quite there and they’re using you as a test audience, so beware). Next up is Performing Arts majors; you get El Rocko Lounge. Sorry, it’s just the truth. The dance floor is big enough to show off your “big personality” and the underground-ish bands that play there take the spotlight off you for a little bit. So grab an overpriced cocktail and just observe (it’ll improve your character work). The portal or Barcade is reserved for Video Game Design majors. They’re probably wearing cargo pants stuffed with quarters, and sipping on rum and coke, admiring the graphics all.night.long. Now, I know you’re wondering where the slick back bun, color-coordinated from head-to-toe, fashion girlies are. They’re in their chic ASF apartments, getting ready until about 10:30 when they finally decide to arrive at Savoy Society. It’s the perfect backdrop for pictures, the drinks match their aesthetic, and walking distance from their homes (they didn’t wear sensible shoes #beautyispain). The Peacock Lounge is reserved specifically for Interior Design majors because they’re the only people who truly appreciate it. They sip their crafted cocktails and admire the light fixtures and how “cohesive the space is”. You’re thinking, “Wait, what about all the SCAD students who haven’t declared a major? They need a place to decompress too.” and you’re right. They get to go to VICE, get mediocre ass shaken in their face, and figure out their fucking deal ok? You went to art school and you can’t figure out what you love because there’s “just so many choices”. Grow up, then maybe we’ll invite you to a better bar. That brings us to writing majors, honestly you guys are wild cards. Half of you become new people every weekend, blending into the many groups I’ve mentioned above. And the other half hosts the post game sesh (if ya know what I’m sayin…and if you don’t, become friends with a writing major IMMEDIATELY). GRDS and Advertising, I’m grouping you together and sending your hardworking asses to Water Witch Tiki Bar. You will LOVE the typeface of their menu and totally respect the media presence they’ve created. Animation majors, do not go out, but I am fucking begging them to! Please interact with real humans; you’re literally scaring us! If I forgot any, please feel free to DM me and I will happily ignore it, or read it and subsequently make fun of you with my bffs (who’s majors are diverse ASF btw)!
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